Union of Palestinian American women was founded in 1984 as a nonprofit organization and is comprised of women who are passionate about supporting the Palestinian cause. We focus on raising funds in order to assist those in need back home in Palestine.

In recent years we have donated to such organizations as “The Peace Center for the blind” in Jerusalem. The Jerusalem princess Basma center for disabled children. “AL-Amal orphanage in Gaza” also supported “Walk to Palestine” Benjamin Ladra.

UPAW also supports other Palestinian non-profit organizations to provide services and funding for families who are receiving medical services for injuries sustained overseas in Palestine.

We have donated to :


We are a group of ordinary women who love the mother land! We come from different backgrounds with one commonality were Palestinian American.

Quote Image Palestinian refugees in the occupied Palestinian territory, are exposed to profound humanitarian, protection and socio-economic challenges by the Israeli occupation and blockade, including repeated violations of human rights and other applicable norms of international law, often involving violence.

The Union of Palestinian American Women

The origin

The Palestinian woman has actively organized and participated on many levels toward the national liberation of her homeland in Palestine. Since the early part of the twentieth century, The Palestinian woman has worked for the advancement of social equality. As a result of the June 1967 Israeli occupation of the west bank and Gaza strip, The Palestinian woman has been confronted with a dual societal role; that of sustaining the very existence and survival of her family; and that of resisting oppression and exploitation.

‘’Since the December 1987 “intifada” (uprising), Palestinian women of all ages and from all the sectors of society have undertaken unprecedented measures to assert their shattered society. Their homeland and throughout the diaspora have created tremendous disparities Palestinian society.

Dolly Hishmeh

Dolly Hishmeh

Dolly was a strong asset to the Palestinian and overall Middle Eastern community. She dedicated her life to fighting for humanitarian aid and spreading awareness about the Palestinian struggle. UPAW was one of her proudest projects. We were honored to have her as our President for decades, right up until her passing. Among the multiple awards she received, one of the most prestigious was The Humanitarian Award which she was awarded in Orange County for her peace efforts. Dolly has flown to many Middle Eastern countries as well as visit the UN to discuss international relations within the community.

While we will never be able to thank Dolly enough for her work, we strive to make her proud by carrying on her legacy through our continued efforts to raise money and assist those in need.

Our Objective

  • To support the humanitarian concerns of the Palestinian community.
  • To preserve the Palestinian cultural identity and rich heritage.
  • To foster the Palestinian identity among the youth.
  • To strengthen relations with and among Palestinian institutions inside and outside Palestine.

“Strength In Unity” “Voices for Palestine”

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